Kevin Davy

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Kevin Davy's Bio

ActuallyAutistic, almost certainly AuDHD.
58 years old, ish (Yes, I'm sticking with this lie, because it still remains my only chance for immortality) Autistic and British. Into philosophy and spiritualism and pretty much anything that might explain the meaning of life, up to and including that it might really be 42.
Male, he/him

Kevin Davy's Posts

Kevin Davy has 3 posts.

Kevin Davy


Just watched the first two episodes of Patience, the English version of Astrid, murder in Paris. And I'm going to have to go with, colour me interested.

I loved Astrid, it's depiction of autism and the characters and their development. As a crime show, it wasn't always that great. But, as a showcase for how we can be and how we often fit into the world, it was brilliant.

In terms, so far at least, of the British show.
It's slightly annoying that they seem to be relying so much on the original show and especially its stories. However, they do seem to be going about telling them in a different enough way, for that not to be a dealbreaker. There's also enough hints that they might be taking the characters, especially the secondary characters, into other and perhaps just as interesting arks.
Patience is being betrayed far more as a heavier masked autistic, than the French version. But that, to me, seems fair and perhaps slightly more realistic for a woman in her position, especially as they have changed the role of her guardian.
They are still being as sympathetic and in some ways as up to date with how we see autism as Astrid was. I especially loved the way as a child she was diagnosed. But also in the difficulties, see the lift scene in the first episode, I found it so true and hilarious, and the ways she is coping.

I will certainly continue watching it and I am not without hope for it. Although, the original will certainly take some beating.

For those interested and who can access British tv, it is on channel 4.

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic

Yes, same for us; for now we're giving to the benefit of the doubt...

What I loved about the original (Astrid) was that while it purported to be a crime show (no doubt to get the backing), both series where really focussed on the negotiation between neuro-divergent & 'normal' people to find a way to get the best out of both - the crimes where merely a vehicle for a much more interesting social drama - as yet (one episode in) Patience hasn't angered that (yet!)

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;

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Kevin Davy


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Kevin Davy

Thank you, this was really very sweet of you. I just try to be a part of this wonderful community, with the rest of you. We all make this, such a special place. ❤️

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