Oliver Schafeld

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Deutsch, English (Platt, Español, Nederlands)

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Oliver Schafeld's Bio


Forensic Console Logger.
Curious, not credulous.
I could be wrong and so could you.

Neugier sticht Naivität.
Könnte mich irren, du aber auch.

Oliver Schafeld's Posts

Oliver Schafeld has 5 posts.


Oliver Schafeld

Ode an den Reply Guy

Es nervt, wenn's wiederfährt,
dass mir wer den eigenen Witz erklärt.

Drum kommt mir einer derart dumm,
schalt' ich ihn einfach stumm.

Tags: #Gedicht #sozialverhalten #witz

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Boosts: 0

Oliver Schafeld

Don't bother about the opinion of people who only post opinions.

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Oliver Schafeld

Social media housekeeping 101

Make a habit of muting people who argue against a person ("you're wrong") instead of against a statement ("that's wrong").

"That's wrong" should be followed by something like "because."

Asserting "common sense" or moral superiority without a quote/link to back up the argument can be considered noise and also lead to muting.

Have a nice day and allow others to have one too.

😎 🧹 ✨ 🌻

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Oliver Schafeld

A town square is owned by the city.
It is regulated by a city council
which is accountable to the people.

It is NOT owned and controlled by the city's richest merchant.

Nor the loudest bunch.

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Oliver Schafeld

In response to this post

»More satellites were launched in the last few years than the entire six decades of space exploration. 130 million pieces of space debris larger than a millimetre orbit Earth, threatening satellites now and in the future. Once a week, a satellite or rocket body reenters uncontrolled through our atmosphere. Behaviours in space have to change.«




Tags: #spacetrashla #spacetrashla #spacetrashla

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Oliver Schafeld

Ode an den Reply Guy

Es nervt, wenn's wiederfährt,
dass mir wer den eigenen Witz erklärt.

Drum kommt mir einer derart dumm,
schalt' ich ihn einfach stumm.

Tags: #Gedicht #sozialverhalten #witz

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Oliver Schafeld

Don't bother about the opinion of people who only post opinions.

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Oliver Schafeld

Social media housekeeping 101

Make a habit of muting people who argue against a person ("you're wrong") instead of against a statement ("that's wrong").

"That's wrong" should be followed by something like "because."

Asserting "common sense" or moral superiority without a quote/link to back up the argument can be considered noise and also lead to muting.

Have a nice day and allow others to have one too.

😎 🧹 ✨ 🌻

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Oliver Schafeld

A town square is owned by the city.
It is regulated by a city council
which is accountable to the people.

It is NOT owned and controlled by the city's richest merchant.

Nor the loudest bunch.

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