I think we have multiple pandemic-scale epidemics right now, chiefly Covid, Whooping Cough, and A(H1N1)pmd09.
Pasteur Institute says enhanced virulence factors are driving the Pertussis epidemic, and its definitely unusual for A(H1N1)pmd09 to be gaining as it is since the tendency for pandemic influenzas of attenuation rather than enhancement.
Beyond that, Clade Ib MPox is threatening to become a pandemic. America sure as heck isn't ready for that.
In two mouse models, stimulation via exogenous C5a amplifies Tau production by 60%. Viral infections have the potential to generate substantial amounts of C5a, particularly in areas of poor control. It is likely that any pathogen that makes its way to the brain runs a risk of accelerating--potentially even triggering--Alzheimer's related dementias.
J.H.Noyes's Posts
J.H.Noyes has 3 posts.
I think we have multiple pandemic-scale epidemics right now, chiefly Covid, Whooping Cough, and A(H1N1)pmd09.
Pasteur Institute says enhanced virulence factors are driving the Pertussis epidemic, and its definitely unusual for A(H1N1)pmd09 to be gaining as it is since the tendency for pandemic influenzas of attenuation rather than enhancement.
Beyond that, Clade Ib MPox is threatening to become a pandemic. America sure as heck isn't ready for that.
Mentions: @cbarbermd@med-mastodon.com
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I suspect he's just Peter Thiel's avatar at this point.
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In two mouse models, stimulation via exogenous C5a amplifies Tau production by 60%. Viral infections have the potential to generate substantial amounts of C5a, particularly in areas of poor control. It is likely that any pathogen that makes its way to the brain runs a risk of accelerating--potentially even triggering--Alzheimer's related dementias.
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