Mike but Frosty ⛄

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Mike but Frosty ⛄'s Information

Mike but Frosty ⛄'s Bio

Husband. Father. InfoSec and IT Nerd. . Star Trek geek. Guy who mostly worries about stuff but expresses it as bad jokes. My views are my own and probably not indicative of much.

Mike but Frosty ⛄'s Posts

Mike but Frosty ⛄ has 2 posts.

Mike but Frosty ⛄


Can confirm. Was RAMmed

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Mike but Frosty ⛄

@JosetAEtzel @bicmay As the person of responsibility in a company that is adjacent to this kind of data, it's surprising to me how misunderstood the limits of HIPAA privacy and security requirements are. I think a lot of people just assume their data is protected because in a sane world it would be. But there are shockingly few entities required to handle it with any amount of care.

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