Mike McCaffrey

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Mike McCaffrey's Bio

Building drupal sites for more years than I care to count, now with a strong focus on accessibility and best practices. Senior Architect at Kalamuna.

Mike McCaffrey's Posts

Mike McCaffrey has 6 posts.


Mike McCaffrey

I just realized that is having a midlife crisis.

Tags: #starshot #drupal

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Mike McCaffrey

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@nikatjef @grumpasaurus @ai6yr

I learned to program by looking at other people's code, either directly or through documentation and blog posts. Having a robot parrot regurgitate stolen code doesn't seem like an improvement to that process.

What the LLMs are good at doing is providing the average output of whatever data you feed into it, so if you don't have experience programming, it can definitely help you be average. But if you want to do something professionally, you can't just stop there.

Mentions: @nikatjef@mastodon.acm.org @grumpasaurus@infosec.exchange @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike McCaffrey

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@nikatjef @grumpasaurus @ai6yr

I can't speak to your experience as a programmer, but an insignificantly small part of my day is spent searching online for how to write some piece of code, so optimizing that process will not fundamentally change my job in any way.

I am going to guess that you are not a junior programmer or a young teenager who is just starting to learn to program?

As for my experience, I am not a programmer. I can program in multiple languages, but I don't quite think the way programmers do, and I am an idiot, so I tend to use things like LLMs / GPT to help me learn new ways to program and new languages.

@grumpasaurus @ai6yr

by James Wells ;

Mentions: @nikatjef@mastodon.acm.org @grumpasaurus@infosec.exchange @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike McCaffrey

In response to this post

@grumpasaurus @ai6yr Yeah, the limiting factor on many teams (like mine) is the capacity for the tech lead (me) to review and understand what is happening in all the pull requests. Magically generating a higher volume of code to add to that stack does not solve one damn thing.

The sad thing is that candidate will probably successfully get a job with a company who thinks that the role of a programmer is to now to ask the computer to do things like Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest

No, the sad thing is that this really is the future we are heading towards. As the current LLM / GPT technologies progress, they are going to become the standards and tools our children and students will need to understand and master. Our way of doing things is going away as inefficient and anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.

If we can teach to think to think about what the LLM / GPT is giving them, they might just survive what comes next

@grumpasaurus @ai6yr

by James Wells ;

Mentions: @grumpasaurus@infosec.exchange @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike McCaffrey

Google automatically opted our workspace into , and the automated meeting notes are even worse than I was imagining.

It got everyone's names wrong, made up meeting attendees, put words into people's mouths, and bluntly stated things that were originally phrased in a tactful (or amusingly sarcastic) way.

It also narced on one person being late and recorded other people admitting that they never prepare in advance for the meetings.

Tags: #gemini #ai

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Mike McCaffrey

In response to this post

@sundogplanets @paulknightly @ai6yr Just think about all the plastic waste from the gowns and gloves and medications and such, if you have to go and get dental surgery later (not to mention all the time, money, and pain).

@mikemccaffrey @sundogplanets @paulknightly Yep, very true.

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @sundogplanets@mastodon.social @paulknightly@mstdn.social @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Mike McCaffrey

I just realized that is having a midlife crisis.

Tags: #starshot #drupal

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