Mike Knell

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Contacting Mike Knell

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Mike Knell's Information

Mike Knell's Bio

Middle-aged SRE, he/him. British but haven't lived there since 2008, currently happily resident in Austria. In a love-hate relationship with amateur radio since 1985. OE1OMK in JN88df or OE3OMK in JN87bq, depending on what day it is. Profile picture is reasonably accurate.

Mike Knell's Posts

Mike Knell has 1 posts.

Mike Knell

Further to my earlier queries about making accessible to people under 30, I think it's time to update the terminology used for wavelengths:

mmWave: pewpew wave
SHF: danger wave
UHF: smol wave
VHF: mundane wave
HF: bouncy wave
MF: flat wave
LF: longboi wave
VLF: chonker wave
ELF: oh wave he comin'

I will not be taking questions at this time.

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