
len's pfp

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Len's Information

Len's Bio

shy agender programmer/artist
still figuring the whole social thing out
follow me for semi-regular cat pics
the long-haired one is Spook, and the short-haired one is Trick
I have ADHD and cPTSD
some stuff will be heavy, but it'll always be under content warnings
there may be random gushing about webcomics/webnovels
I have a little website!
:demisexual_potion: :pansexual_potion: :agender_potion:
my partner in life is @CheetahFluff

Len's Posts

Len has 3 posts.


In response to this post

@gsuberland it keeps getting better, this energy is contagious :blobcatcheer:


by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social @len@nyan.network

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In response to this post

@gsuberland agreed, this is very fun

@gsuberland it keeps getting better, this energy is contagious :blobcatcheer:

by Len ;

Mentions: @gsuberland@chaos.social

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Replies: 1

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@jasmine can it clean my house after it's done with yours? :akko_please:

@len yes, after it's done with my house
and me

by Jasmine ;

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