Kate Bowles

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Kate Bowles's Bio

Listening, walking, working, growing things. Here since 2016 carrying on about this and that: work, writing, trans rights, , . Wollongong.

Images: a green marble, and orange lit clouds over an ocean horizon.

“I want to be on the side of surprise, and against the certainties of pictures and property.” - Barbara Kruger

Kate Bowles's Posts

Kate Bowles has 3 posts.


Kate Bowles

Fediverse friends, especially if you’re not familiar with LA or the scale of loss is daunting, this is someone I love. We’ve known each other nearly 40 years and she and her family have lost everything twice over in Altadena. If you have even $5 to give it will help them. (They’re on the Google doc that’s being shared.)


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Kate Bowles

It’s time for an updated . I’ve been here since 2016, listening and thinking. I live by the sea in Wollongong (IYKYK) and I’m a university worker. I research healthcare storytelling and I think about and . I believe we’re going to have to work together differently to face what we’re facing. Life is short.

Tags: #introduction #compost #transrights #safework #gardeningau

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Kate Bowles

Here’s the thing. If even one person says that somewhere is systematically less safe for them because of the behaviour of other people (who may or may not have something in common with you), the next good move is not to ask them to help you understand this.

Even if that feels to you like a fair ask, they’ve already given you what you need: this is a safety issue.

Invest your own time, not theirs, in learning more. If you’re not seeing it, or you don’t get it, be inclined to respect and investigate all the reasons you have missed seeing what they have experienced.

Be a safety advocate. Less heroics, more listening.

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Kate Bowles

Fediverse friends, especially if you’re not familiar with LA or the scale of loss is daunting, this is someone I love. We’ve known each other nearly 40 years and she and her family have lost everything twice over in Altadena. If you have even $5 to give it will help them. (They’re on the Google doc that’s being shared.)


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Kate Bowles

It’s time for an updated . I’ve been here since 2016, listening and thinking. I live by the sea in Wollongong (IYKYK) and I’m a university worker. I research healthcare storytelling and I think about and . I believe we’re going to have to work together differently to face what we’re facing. Life is short.

Tags: #introduction #compost #transrights #safework #gardeningau

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Kate Bowles

Here’s the thing. If even one person says that somewhere is systematically less safe for them because of the behaviour of other people (who may or may not have something in common with you), the next good move is not to ask them to help you understand this.

Even if that feels to you like a fair ask, they’ve already given you what you need: this is a safety issue.

Invest your own time, not theirs, in learning more. If you’re not seeing it, or you don’t get it, be inclined to respect and investigate all the reasons you have missed seeing what they have experienced.

Be a safety advocate. Less heroics, more listening.

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