juliette 🌻

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Contacting juliette 🌻

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juliette 🌻's Information

juliette 🌻's Bio

slow living in denmark. interests include , , , , and .

juliette 🌻's Posts

juliette 🌻 has 2 posts.


juliette 🌻

post! I live and work in Denmark. I have previously lived in the Netherlands, Italy, the US and France (that last one is also what my passport says I'm from).
I have a small plot of land where with my partner we are trying to restore a . I sew a lot and am passionate about .
I enjoy to work and for fun, but never for speed or winning races.
Finally, I read a lot of , fiction and non-fiction, and do often judge a book by its cover.

Tags: #introduction #woodland #sustainablefashion #cycling #books

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juliette 🌻

I’m looking into creating a pixelfed account to replace my instagram. Who has experience in this and can help me figure out what the best instance might be for me?

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juliette 🌻

post! I live and work in Denmark. I have previously lived in the Netherlands, Italy, the US and France (that last one is also what my passport says I'm from).
I have a small plot of land where with my partner we are trying to restore a . I sew a lot and am passionate about .
I enjoy to work and for fun, but never for speed or winning races.
Finally, I read a lot of , fiction and non-fiction, and do often judge a book by its cover.

Tags: #introduction #woodland #sustainablefashion #cycling #books

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