João Tiago Rebelo

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Não gosto de fazer parte do problema, prefiro fazer parte da solução. Gamer e Techie. GIF overload. Atleta não praticante. Boosting ≠ Endorsement.
Migrei de (25.04.2022) e (03.01.2024)
Imagem de Perfil: "Jan 21 2011 [Day 081] "Spartan"" por JamesInOregon, sob licença CC BY 2.0, visite
Cabeçalho: "UB Law Library - Scaffolding" por James G. Milles, sob licença CC BY 2.0., visite

João Tiago Rebelo's Posts

João Tiago Rebelo has 10 posts.

João Tiago Rebelo

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@ai6yr I went through the same line of thought some years ago, when a microburst pulled the fire into a road and trapped 47 people there, they all died. Me and many others in my country were relaying info on road closures from local radio and police advisories, putting them on Twitter and other social media that day (and night). No one could have predicted it and not even the authorities knew what had happened to the victims until several hours after the tragedy.
We are not all-knowing nor all-powerful, we have (human) limitations and when you have to help we do it where and when we can, you have put others first many many times (I've seen it time and again), to help others you have to be able to help in the first place, so what happened isn't your fault, at all.
Take care and keep up the good fight, you have saved many people already and there are still many lives to save. 🫂


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João Tiago Rebelo

In response to this post

@ai6yr my thoughts are with you and your family.


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João Tiago Rebelo

In response to this post

@ai6yr as for emergency charging of mobile devices, I have to shill for Eneloop's (Panasonic) USB 1-4 fast charger (2005410853061847), with AA or AAA charging capabilities, it does reverse charging to USB (from the batteries on the charger, even if not rechargeable - if you don't have it connected to mains power -, to the device plugged into the USB). Total life saver, I should get a referral link hehe.
Stay safe!

@jt_rebelo Ooh, awesome capability! Ordered one. Have plenty of ways to charge stuff here, but "two is one, one is none" in disasters.

by AI6YR Ben ;


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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr keep that fridge full (water for example) and closed! (My yearly testing experience has been with the Le Mans 24H, I have a challenge: get through the race on battery/solar power only, the exception being the fridge, that I don't use instead a portable cooler, and the Internet modem/ont combo that is powered by house mains). Saved my bacon (and my work) at least twice since 2019.

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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr portable solar batteries AKA "solar generators" FTW (some work like a UPS, Ecoflow calls it "EPS", connect them to power, they charge on mains and when power goes out they keep powering the devices connected to the battery). Cons? Costly (not every one of them works this way, those that do cost extra and have power input and output limitations while pulling double duty), not that portable and limited power output (2000W max draw for short bursts, bigger battery = more weight). Still, for disaster preparedness there's little that beats them (and in summer you get to charge them via portable/foldable solar panels or XT60 compatible/adapted home panels.

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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr modern Neros without the fiddle. At least romans and the Titanic had music playing... @Janet_52square

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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr hope you keep safe and with those full and running. Thank you for your reporting, I have friends IRL worried about people around the fires area and you have been (as usual) a godsend to them and to me.

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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr @Janet_52square the "fake climate change" in a world that's "getting cold, it's Winter, how can we say there's global warming" in full sight. Some politicians will talk about space lasers again...

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João Tiago Rebelo

@ai6yr bad, but not that bad. You have power again, or is it from the "Radioshed"?

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João Tiago Rebelo

@FediPact at least users will be able to easily ID the mentally ill people, those that think being gay or trans is a mental illness might be mentally ill...

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