Gaspar Jekely's Bio

Professor at the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), University of Heidelberg, Germany 

and at the

Living Systems Institute (LSI), University of Exeter, UK. 
 of marine larvae, , , ciliary swimming, cell and nervous system , , , , , , ,

Gaspar Jekely's Posts

Gaspar Jekely has 4 posts.


Gaspar Jekely

For our neuropeptide-GPCR screen paper, we have now published a detailed protocol here:
If you are interested in have a look!

Tags: #nematostella #gpcr #neuropeptide #pharmacology #cnidaria #neuroscience

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Gaspar Jekely

In a new collaborative paper with Liz Williams we show that microalgae, especially and not induce larval settlement in the marine annelid

Tags: #diatoms #bacteria #platynereis #biorxiv #biology #larva #algae

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Gaspar Jekely

We published a new preprint on nitric oxide (NO) signalling in . In the paper Kei Jokura et al. described how NO is required for UV-avoidance behaviour by mediating retrograde signalling to brain ciliary photoreceptors.

Tags: #platynereis #neuroscience #animals #science

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Gaspar Jekely

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Mastodon is the platform that deserves our presence and attention (to followers over the skies).

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Gaspar Jekely

For our neuropeptide-GPCR screen paper, we have now published a detailed protocol here:
If you are interested in have a look!

Tags: #nematostella #gpcr #neuropeptide #pharmacology #cnidaria #neuroscience

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Gaspar Jekely

In a new collaborative paper with Liz Williams we show that microalgae, especially and not induce larval settlement in the marine annelid

Tags: #diatoms #bacteria #platynereis #biorxiv #biology #larva #algae

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Gaspar Jekely

We published a new preprint on nitric oxide (NO) signalling in . In the paper Kei Jokura et al. described how NO is required for UV-avoidance behaviour by mediating retrograde signalling to brain ciliary photoreceptors.

Tags: #platynereis #neuroscience #animals #science

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