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@ai6yr 🤬this is getting beyond!

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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@ai6yr wow! Happy I filled up at Lister Rents couple days before this all.
Preparation is Key!!

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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@ai6yr ha no we are good thx. We moved the fridge and freezer food to the rv last night before bed. Used the rv gen for our morning coffee and kids waffles for school.
Thankfully they have school today one less thing to worry about!

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@ai6yr I can see you now!
Plus I’ve been hearing Tony’s generator run since 6am😡🤣

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@ai6yr out on this side of the hill too! Cell
Barely has any service but at least you are coming thru!

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@ai6yr interesting to hear on broadcastify
a private home protection company ask LAFD commander for more protection for the house next door to the one they are protecting. Command did not respond after asking who he was with and he said private.

Tags: #palisadefire

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@ai6yr @cmgrowell definitely makes for a faster ride with the wind and much more challenging into the wind! I don’t mind the wind it’s the dust and debris flying all around I could care less for.

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@ai6yr @cmgrowell
The Yellow Rectangle of Doom!!!

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@ai6yr @cmgrowell In this new graphic I feel like we are definitely on the left side of the yellow rectangle! So that means it won’t be as bad right???🤣🤞🏻

@ai6yr @cmgrowell
The Yellow Rectangle of Doom!!!

by jberry ;

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@ai6yr @cmgrowell Dang! Last event they turned off our grid because it connected to the large power lines that ran along Potrero into hidden valley, which was much more affected. I’m really hoping not this time, because it seems to be forecasted to affect more of LA county harder, that the same grid won’t be turned off🤞🏻

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@ai6yr Yes we did get shut off!. Weren’t as prepared then for that, but better prepared now. 1st shut off for a full 24hrs in 13 yrs.

Rv all gassed and propane filled in case we need to use that fridge and stove. All batteries including jackery and bike lights charged. Go bag. Watering landscaping. Full tanks on cars.

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@ai6yr Seeing any psps for our grid?

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