
janisf's pfp

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Janis's Information

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me blowing glass

header pic

My third all-electric car


Yes, taht's really me

Janis's Bio

(she/her) (proud parent) + BA in music from a conservative college and the damage to prove it. Holding out for smarter ways to do things, of which bitter hopelessness is not a part. Keep yours, or get thee to a nunnery.
On Wahpekute land in the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ territory.
Boosts are curious invitations for discussion--not endorsements, outrage, or horror-pointing.

Janis's Posts

Janis has 2 posts.



In response to this post

@benroyce For every 100K births 32 women die, in the US. If you survive, you're about $20K in medical debt right out of the gate.

The hard part, though, is facing a boss that doesn't give parental leave or a wage that feeds & houses your kids, then lays you off, forcing you into worse (or no) housing that'll poison your kids.

It seems people who have won don't see what a no-win situation relative poverty is.

In the mean time, conservatives have more voter-babies.

Mentions: @benroyce@mastodon.social

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In response to this post

@benroyce For every 100K births 32 women die, in the US. If you survive, you're about $20K in medical debt right out of the gate.

The hard part, though, is facing a boss that doesn't give parental leave or a wage that feeds & houses your kids, then lays you off, forcing you into worse (or no) housing that'll poison your kids.

It seems people who have won don't see what a no-win situation relative poverty is.

In the mean time, conservatives have more voter-babies.

Mentions: @benroyce@mastodon.social

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Replies: 0

Boosts: 0