Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
Contacting Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
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Jack Yan (甄爵恩)'s Information
Personal |
Work |
Lucire |
Autocade |
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)'s Bio
CEO, Jack Yan & Associates; publisher, Lucire and Autocade; co-chair, Medinge Group; award-winning author; typeface designer. Favourites = bookmarks; boosts = interesting. He/him.
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)'s Posts
Jack Yan (甄爵恩) has 6 posts.
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
In my blog
Publishing A Farewell to Arms, in the form Hemingway intended
Purchase link: https://lucire.biz/product/a-farewell-to-arms-uncensored-and-unabridged/
#book #bookstodon #ErnestHemingway #publishing #AFarewellToArms #JYAMedia
Tags: #jyamedia #book #bookstodon #ernesthemingway #publishing #afarewelltoarms
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
On sale now, our new #Autocade annual for the car fans out there! Boosts appreciated!
https://lucire.biz/product/autocade-year-of-cars-2025-hardcover/ #book #car #yearbook #bookstodon #coche #waka #Auto #voiture #macchina #design #trends #tendances
Tags: #design #trends #tendances #autocade #book #car #yearbook #bookstodon #coche #waka #auto #voiture #macchina
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
Here it is, my latest book, and my first one in Swedish! Lilla boken om Panos: historien om den ikoniska badmodedesignern is now out in Sweden, and looks at the swimwear designs of Panos Papadopoulos from the 1980s through to 2020. More at https://lucire.com/insider/20240831/the-latest-little-book-is-out-showcasing-panos-papadopouloss-swimwear/ published by Tukan förlag, and available now through Adlibris, Bokus, and other retailers in Sweden and Finland.
https://www.bokus.com/bok/9789180385831/lilla-boken-om-panos-historien-om-den-ikoniska-badmodedesignern/ #book #history #fashion #mode #moda #bok #swimwear #trends #bookstodon
Tags: #book #history #fashion #mode #moda #bok #swimwear #trends #bookstodon
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
Those interested in #fashion and want to support independent #media, please give #NZ-owned and founded @lucire a follow! In fact, the fashionsocial.host instance is a great place to be for the fashion tribe! #NZTwits #Aotearoa #magazine #fashionmagazine
Tags: #fashion #media #nz #NZTwits #aotearoa #magazine #fashionmagazine
Mentions: @lucire@fashionsocial.host
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
I did a post with interest hashtags but don’t think I ever posted an intro on Mastodon.
Born in #HK, came to #WhanganuiaTara #Wellington #Aotearoa #NZ in 1976. St Mark’s, Rongotai, Scots, Vic alum. First digital #TypefaceDesigner here, published digital #magazines pre-web, founded #Lucire and #Autocade. Co-chair of #branding think-tank #Medinge Group and director at Insight Creative. Wrote some books, won an award for one.
Will do #car and #design posts. Sites in my bio! #NZTwits
Tags: #hk #whanganuiatara #wellington #aotearoa #nz #typefacedesigner #lucire #autocade #branding #medinge #car #design #NZTwits #magazines
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Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
A very early Cantonese term for a cellphone was #大哥大 (literally big brother big). This was coined in the 1980s. Seems to be very appropriate in the 2020s, namely the allusion to Big Brother.
Tags: #大哥大
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Boosts: 2
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
In my blog
Publishing A Farewell to Arms, in the form Hemingway intended
Purchase link: https://lucire.biz/product/a-farewell-to-arms-uncensored-and-unabridged/
#book #bookstodon #ErnestHemingway #publishing #AFarewellToArms #JYAMedia
Tags: #jyamedia #book #bookstodon #ernesthemingway #publishing #afarewelltoarms
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
On sale now, our new #Autocade annual for the car fans out there! Boosts appreciated!
https://lucire.biz/product/autocade-year-of-cars-2025-hardcover/ #book #car #yearbook #bookstodon #coche #waka #Auto #voiture #macchina #design #trends #tendances
Tags: #design #trends #tendances #autocade #book #car #yearbook #bookstodon #coche #waka #auto #voiture #macchina
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
Here it is, my latest book, and my first one in Swedish! Lilla boken om Panos: historien om den ikoniska badmodedesignern is now out in Sweden, and looks at the swimwear designs of Panos Papadopoulos from the 1980s through to 2020. More at https://lucire.com/insider/20240831/the-latest-little-book-is-out-showcasing-panos-papadopouloss-swimwear/ published by Tukan förlag, and available now through Adlibris, Bokus, and other retailers in Sweden and Finland.
https://www.bokus.com/bok/9789180385831/lilla-boken-om-panos-historien-om-den-ikoniska-badmodedesignern/ #book #history #fashion #mode #moda #bok #swimwear #trends #bookstodon
Tags: #book #history #fashion #mode #moda #bok #swimwear #trends #bookstodon
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
Those interested in #fashion and want to support independent #media, please give #NZ-owned and founded @lucire a follow! In fact, the fashionsocial.host instance is a great place to be for the fashion tribe! #NZTwits #Aotearoa #magazine #fashionmagazine
Tags: #fashion #media #nz #NZTwits #aotearoa #magazine #fashionmagazine
Mentions: @lucire@fashionsocial.host
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Jack Yan (甄爵恩)
I did a post with interest hashtags but don’t think I ever posted an intro on Mastodon.
Born in #HK, came to #WhanganuiaTara #Wellington #Aotearoa #NZ in 1976. St Mark’s, Rongotai, Scots, Vic alum. First digital #TypefaceDesigner here, published digital #magazines pre-web, founded #Lucire and #Autocade. Co-chair of #branding think-tank #Medinge Group and director at Insight Creative. Wrote some books, won an award for one.
Will do #car and #design posts. Sites in my bio! #NZTwits
Tags: #hk #whanganuiatara #wellington #aotearoa #nz #typefacedesigner #lucire #autocade #branding #medinge #car #design #NZTwits #magazines
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Boosts: 0