Colin Cogle :verified:

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Contacting Colin Cogle :verified:

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Colin Cogle :verified:'s Information

Colin Cogle :verified:'s Bio

Greetings, . I’m an IT manager for a regional and active , a developer, fiction , , enthusiast, and I’m sure I have other talents, too.

I admit I’m a reply guy, but that’s how I interact here. I’m not trying to be a jerk. Just trying to meet and chat with new and interesting people.

:mimi: :cash: :carter: :chloe_basket:

Workers of the world, unite! If you’re not woke, you’re asleep.


Colin Cogle :verified:'s Posts

Colin Cogle :verified: has 1 posts.

Colin Cogle :verified:

I got tired of going outside and looking at the thermometer, so I got a digital weather station off Temu.

But then I got too lazy to walk to the refrigerator to read the base station’s display, so I hacked together a way to connect it to the Internet. Okay, so that’s not the main reason. I did it because I wanted a fancy APRS-enabled weather station without the price tag, so in the spirit of ham radio and hacking, I set out to build my own.

Then I hooked it up to Mastodon as @weather because… okay, I don’t have a good reason for that.

Tags: #amateurradio #aprs #hacking #hamradio #iot #internetofthings #powershell #rtlsdr #tutorials #Weather

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