CM Thiede
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CM Thiede's Information
CM Thiede's Bio
#Wisconsin #artist living in the purplest state of the #USA informing the creation of every #art object I've made since way back when.
I say all sorts of #things
It usually sounds like #gibberish to #humans
When I have the time, I like to wrap all those #thoughts up and spit them out as a #symbol
Kinda like #Prince ( Ƭ̵̬̊ )
#FolkifiedPoprageousness the tint.
All my gibberish is set to expire in a year.
CM Thiede's Posts
CM Thiede has 4 posts.
CM Thiede
@Edelruth faster and faster it goes...not finished with the one to the south and already pushing for another to the north! Let's squander Wisconsin's, and the world's for that matter, greatest resource for a quick buck! All aboard y'all.
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CM Thiede
@Edelruth well on our way to going full on plaid, I'd say.
#plaid #chaos
Tags: #plaid #chaos
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CM Thiede
@ai6yr or, in other words, move beyond the "temp" portion of their automation strategy. Someone's gotta do the work until the switch can be flipped.
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CM Thiede
@Gargron it appears the app reviewer has their "pilled" colors mixed up. It must be rough when vitriol won't get you automatic clout among trending topics.
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