Bob Thomson

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Bob Thomson's Bio

Glaswegian who left for The Dordogne at 50, devopsing remotely for Euros for a job. Likes many things outside work and STEM, writing, drawing, synths, dogs. Living with chronic illnesses since 2007, Crohn's from a dodgy pizza, chronic kidney disease from the Crohn's medication. So it goes.

Bob Thomson's Posts

Bob Thomson has 6 posts.


Bob Thomson

In response to this post

@laetsgo non, laisse la/le :) 😴


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Bob Thomson

Two questions I know off the top of my head.

Tags: #houseofgames

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Bob Thomson

being both cute and suspicious af simultaneously.

Tags: #milliemoo #dogsofmastodon

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Bob Thomson

bored Ethel between meals.

Tags: #dogsofmastodon

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Bob Thomson

RIP ma wee stinker. Ethel, formerly Peggy formerly Roxy. 2006-2023

Tags: #dogsofmastodon

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Bob Thomson

In response to this post

@ChrisMayLA6 as someone said the other day on here, when the poor are said to need motivation, money is taken away from them. When it’s the rich who need motivation, money is given to them.


Its one of the great conundrums of economics... and revelatory of the skewed notions of incentivisation.

You can (sort of) square the circle, if you want by taking the line that only work should pay, and so the wealthy execs need more money to incentivise them, while the poor need to have their benefits taken way to ensure they work to stay alive (the ultimate incentivisation); but that leaves the vexing question of relative rates of pay.

but as an approach its morally bankrupt

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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Bob Thomson

In response to this post

@laetsgo non, laisse la/le :) 😴


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Bob Thomson

being both cute and suspicious af simultaneously.

Tags: #milliemoo #dogsofmastodon

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Bob Thomson

Two questions I know off the top of my head.

Tags: #houseofgames

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Bob Thomson

RIP ma wee stinker. Ethel, formerly Peggy formerly Roxy. 2006-2023

Tags: #dogsofmastodon

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Bob Thomson

bored Ethel between meals.

Tags: #dogsofmastodon

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