Ketata Mohamed

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Ketata Mohamed's Information

Ketata Mohamed's Bio

Windows user since 1994 (2 YO)
Linux user since 2008
recently "betrayed" by m$
2020 or 2021 switched to Linux but dual booted with winlol for compatibility
gamer, but not competitive
on 2021 succeeded to run everything on Linux
deleted winlol and use only Linux since
I have no significant other nor special someone besides my parents

Ketata Mohamed's Posts

Ketata Mohamed has 3 posts.

Ketata Mohamed

In response to this post

@Gargron still, younger than me, at least you built something, that's why you feel old


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Ketata Mohamed

@gamingonlinux nah! I did not go aggressive on you nor anything, I just stated an observation, I would encourage every X user to leave Twitter if anything...


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Ketata Mohamed

In response to this post

@gamingonlinux if you search long enough (and you watch the Man in the High Castle), you will realize Nazi is just short for extreme nationalist (Nazionalist in german, spelled natzionalist), Elon Musk is an immigrant, apparently he torn himself from his South African origin & sold his soul, in totality, to the US, but I have problems with him for different & much earlier stupidities that he did


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