Sune Auken

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Sune Auken's Information

Sune Auken's Bio

researcher and -scholar. Cheerleader, content accumulator, climate worrier (and sometimes warrior). Father of four. Married to a village pastor. Recovering mansplainer; wannabe feminist. Dane; whatever that is. admirer.

Banner picture is a group of mammoths walking through a winter landscape with forests and mountains.

LGBTQ+ Ally.

Sune Auken's Posts

Sune Auken has 5 posts.


Sune Auken

My thread of Russian threats is stuck over in the cookoo's nest, so here is my understanding in brief: YAWN!

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Sune Auken

Your regular reminder that if you blame "politicians" for the world's woes you give a free pass to those politicians who abuse their positions and cause pain and woe, and shift their blame to those who actually try to change things for the better, limited as their reach may be.

They are not all alike. Don't treat them as one. Don't give haters, grifters and warmongers a pass.

Tags: #politics #cimateemergency #crisis #politicians

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Sune Auken

A nerdy thread about genre as a research topic.

So: .

I am a genre researcher. What is my topic, and what it the point of it?

The shortest definition of genre I’ve ever managed to come up with goes like this:

Tags: #genre

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Sune Auken

Sprogregler. Dansk.

Uofficielle regler for anvendelse af dansk sprog. En åben liste. Kom gerne med forslag.

1) "Slap lige af" har aldrig fået nogen til at slappe af.

Tags: #sprogregler #dkmastodon

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Sune Auken

In response to this post


And DANG have there been some bad ones around!


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Sune Auken

Your regular reminder that if you blame "politicians" for the world's woes you give a free pass to those politicians who abuse their positions and cause pain and woe, and shift their blame to those who actually try to change things for the better, limited as their reach may be.

They are not all alike. Don't treat them as one. Don't give haters, grifters and warmongers a pass.

Tags: #politics #cimateemergency #crisis #politicians

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Sune Auken

Sprogregler. Dansk.

Uofficielle regler for anvendelse af dansk sprog. En åben liste. Kom gerne med forslag.

1) "Slap lige af" har aldrig fået nogen til at slappe af.

Tags: #sprogregler #dkmastodon

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Sune Auken

My thread of Russian threats is stuck over in the cookoo's nest, so here is my understanding in brief: YAWN!

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Sune Auken

A nerdy thread about genre as a research topic.

So: .

I am a genre researcher. What is my topic, and what it the point of it?

The shortest definition of genre I’ve ever managed to come up with goes like this:

Tags: #genre

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Boosts: 0