Northants Greens

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The official Northamptonshire Green Party Mastodon Page, with branches for North Northants and West Northants.

Electoral Commission Imprint: Promoted by D.Dell on behalf of Northamptonshire Green Party c/o 38 Waverley Rd, Kettering, NN15 6NT

Northants Greens's Posts

Northants Greens has 2 posts.

Northants Greens

@stux Unfortunately many business and companies have a small team, and they will always go where the engagement rate is highest, not what is the best platform. We had to ask to turn on federation option so that we can network with them even after a long time of asking them to do the right thing and , they have joined . The networking effect is the biggest at play, and many more people will likely leave Mastodon for Bluesky.

Tags: #theGreenParty #joinmastodon #bluesky

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Northants Greens

@stux this will cause alot of issues.

@thegreenparty and @greenelects are not on yet. If blocked, it will cause our engagement rate to drop and make the networking effect much much worse due to lack of content. Surely under democracy and freedom users should have the choice to block or allow

Tags: #mastodon #threads

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