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You open to Spanish metal recommendations?

@Kagekokoro I will listen to anything that is spicy and latin and my own musical project's gimmick is doing that + rock

by augustus pugin 🌖 ;

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@augustus painkiller is such a banger
Hell Patrol is also cool as fuck
Electric eye is also s certified classic

@Kagekokoro >Hell Patrol
I can't believe how much more I like this band than shitty Iron Maiden

by augustus pugin 🌖 ;

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@augustus what about Judas priest though?

@Kagekokoro the whole genre does absolutely nothing for me, but I feel like I have to engage with it sometimes to see if I'm missing anything. Judas Priest, I'm listening now to a track called Painkiller and it's okay, I like the guitar, it's way better than shitty Iron Maiden. also I know this band are responsible for Aja Kong's entrance music 'Electric Eye' which I also think is good, so I'll put them in the non-shitty bracket for now

by augustus pugin 🌖 ;

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