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Sometimes grumpy
Socially & environmentally aware & concerned
Autonomy matters
Pro EU
We are all immigrants from somewhere else.
We always will be

HarriettMB's Posts

HarriettMB has 4 posts.


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@ChrisMayLA6 Making the poor even poorer will not solve any problems. Making the middle class poor also will not solve any problems. Reeves needs to be an adult in the room, and change the tax system so the wealthy, tax-efficient pay a lot more tax. More deprivation and poverty costs more in ill-health, in education, in hospital, in work availability etc. It’s basic and obvious - why can she not see this?

Mentions: @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us

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@ChrisMayLA6 This analysis by @davidallengreen is delightful.

Mentions: @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us

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@ChrisMayLA6 Massive snowstorms resulting in loss of life and damage all across the middle of the USA last week, and massive wildfires resulting in damage all around Los Angeles this week - what a swing in weather from one extreme to the other. No one has mentioned the huge adverse affect this has on the wildlife, the environment and ther USA’s ability to feed itself. The 🍊💩 instead is only talking about taking over other jurisdictions and countries.

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@Geri Great: another pandemic. 😷 on top of COVID still around, H5N1 increasing in humans, but not quite human to human yet, the regular flu, …. 🤧

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