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Contacting Evelyn-uary

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Evelyn-uary's Bio

Curmudgeoness & Bluestocking. Politics indigo, language ultraviolet. Adrift upon the cryptic tides of life. Likes to use big words & play at being all intellectual. Retired engineer. Mostly harmless.

Evelyn-uary's Posts

Evelyn-uary has 6 posts.


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A huge wall of snow traverses the frame from near tight to mid-left, towering over an SUV just entering the frame from the far distance. The wall is 3 or 4 times the height of the car's roof, maybe 20 or 30 feet. A pair of tire tracks in snow lead forward from the vehicle and exit the foreground at the bottom of the frame. At far left, another wall of snow borders the tire tracks, making the road into a slot canyon of sorts.

At first glance, I thought the right-hand wall was the stupendously high ice Wall from the tv show Game Of Thrones.

Tags: #alt4you

Mentions: @MostlyHarmless@thecanadian.social

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@ai6yr Wow.
I kind of knew you did that, but I hadn't realized the amount of devotion you put into it. Thank you.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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@ai6yr What does the cot do during Red Flag wind events? (other than give aid & comfort to very cute dogs)

@Gorfram During Red Flag warnings, I set the cot up in my office next to the computers and the radios, and usually leave a radio on, so that if a fire breaks out in my county or somewhat nearby, I can post information on those fires for people. (I used to do that on Twitter with about 70K followers, then recently Watch Duty, and now am posting here for myself, and also hope to push that to Bluesky).

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Question: At one point in the video, the scammer asks the victim to switch from cellular to wi-fi. Is this because wi-fi somehow made the scam easier, or is it unrelated to the scam itself?

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@NanoRaptor Eliminate that thing* where we want to take care of children that are genetically most similar to ourselves before children who are less genetically similar. Make everybody want to take care of all the children.
The adults, too; but mostly the children.

*it really is a thing: I distinctly remember reading something about it somewhere

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@ErikUden This shit is *not* normal.

I say this only with the greatest of respect, but you may need better American friends. (In re which I humbly volunteer. 😊 )

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