
Fuzzbuzz's pfp

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Fuzzy's Information

Fuzzy's Bio

Pretty chilled gay guy settled in Northern Europe with a big Irish bear bf & a rescue beagle. Openminded socially & left-wing politically - interested in cars, bikes, history, archaeology, languages - French/Spanish/ Portuguese. 🏳️‍⚧️ Ally

Fuzzy's Posts

Fuzzy has 5 posts.


@AnarchoNinaWrites the real problem is your ego & flippant responses to critism. You just don't have the self-awareness to see you're as much part of the reason there are now climate denying fascists in charge. You didn't vote for the alternative & you bear as much responsibility for the outcome, death and climate fallout of the next 4yrs & beyond as any MAGA. Preening your eco credentials online won't change that.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites pathetic response - you just can't make unpleasant choices. You have all this idealism for humanity online but in reality you're just a nihilist.
If more on the left had voted Dem progress would be made - slow progress - but wasn't that your whole point? - the sliding scale -? they acknowledge there's a problem & put some policies in place that will save lives. Now the world will get an administration actively fighting against the idea climate change even exists.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites and if you can't vote for someone who would at least introduce environmental & clean energy policies you're as big a problem for humanity as any MAGA wingnut

@Fuzzbuzz What part of "fuck off" did you not understand you absolute fucking muppet?

We are not talking. I am not interested. Go away or I will just report you for harassment. Run along now.

and btw? You're either full of shit or have no idea what you're talking about - probably both:


by AnarchoNinaWrites ;

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@AnarchoNinaWrites such an ego on you, no wonder socialism & the left is damned. Too many fuckwits like you skulking online thinking they're part of the solution when they're as much the problem as the far-right. Except they have know how to take power. Fuck off to X and channel your crap there, you'd fit right in.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites @Herefordrob if you're saying the US political system is broken (yes it is) but however similar both parties are only one of them denies climate change exists & is determined to undo environmental & clean energy mandates. So those who didn't vote for the less shit option are part of the problem & moved us along that sliding scale closer to annihilation. So Herefordrob is right, who knows how much of a part humanity will play in the future when we're all this stupid.

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