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FinchHaven's Bio

Linux since 1995. Radical Leftist. Photographer. Social content consumer, not a social content creator. Infosec

Loc: Swift Water lands, Salish Sea, Cascadia, North America

whoami: MadokVaur @ Twitch Discord and Github

-r--r--r-- on Teh Tweeters since November 2, 2022

Fourth instance

FinchHaven's Posts

FinchHaven has 13 posts.


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So Mel Gibson gets a 4:28 video segment all about him on Joe Rogan


"LA Times: More than 9,000 structures damaged or destroyed, at least 10 killed in L.A. County fires"

But who cares? Somebody rich and famous lost stuff

Excuse me while I go to the bathroom to puke into the toilet

I hope I make it


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You've been an absolute monster today

Real-time fire coverage that would put any "news" organization to shame

Take a bow!


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Good luck, dude

Look out for you and yours

You've done yeoman's work already

Stay safe


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People who are not actively following this enormous disaster have no Idea of the scope of "massive California wildfire"

I follow @ai6yr at

He does storm and fire tracking in Southern California particularly, but nationally too

This was 18 minutes ago

"Start planning for Oak Park to be impacted. Launching 5 closest engines from VNC."

Edit @ 3:21 PM PST

" -- Oak Park and Agoura need to be on top of this. They are evacuating people, RROS. "

Edit @ 3:28 PM PST

"Update MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER Brush Fire - Kennith Fire (name update); INC#1365; 03:12PM; 24850 W Victory Bl; MAP:; Woodland Hills; The Kenneth Fire is burning south (updated). LAFD is issuing a Mandatory Evacuation Order for Vanowen south to Burbank Blvd. County Lane Road east to E Valley Circle Blvd. This is an immediate evacuation order for all residents within this area.; "

His final update @ 3:40 PM PST

"I will not be posting much, Kenneth Fire is heading this way. Hopefully folks at Watch Duty will step up to this one. Good luck, folks. "


Tags: #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #kennethfire #agoura #oakpark #venturacounty


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Important to know what's going on for this ex-SoCal kid




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cc @ai6yr

Note the smoke plume showing up on the national map

"Near surface smoke forecast for the CONUS area, starting:

Jan 09 2025 - 06:00 PST"

@FinchHaven Thanks!

by AI6YR Ben ;


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Wasn't this some 770 something not too long ago?


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I keep reading along about all this and I keep thinking

"But it's January... it's January... it's fricken' January..."

(Backgrounder: I grew up down there. Pasadena until mid-elementary school and then San Pedro through college. But that was different universe back in the '50s '60s and '70s. Santa Ana winds? Yeah, every October for sure... maybe November...)

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I recognized the "institute" name immediately but I like to show my work and have receipts

As the kids like to say...

cc @Yumquotient @CassandraVert

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"The wind farms that were there were all lost in some of the latest hurricanes (Maria or more recently.) They were a crumpled mess. Can you make solar or wind “weather proof”?"

A quick search on the extent of this assertion returns the "Institute for Energy Research" which Wikipedia describes as a

"IER is often described as a front group for the fossil fuel industry.[2][3][4] It was initially formed by Charles Koch, receives donations from many large companies like Exxon, and publishes a stream of reports and position papers opposing any efforts to control greenhouse gasses. "

I'm out

You may all argue amongst yourselves from here on

cc @ai6yr @CassandraVert

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"Electric power is not strictly unsustainable, but I'm sure it's encouraging solar panels, which is better."

And the real problem here is not electrical power per se, but the current need to transmit lots of it, long distances, over above-ground power lines

All of which would seem to make locally/individually solar generated electricity a no-brainer

Except, as always, we're up against the decades-old monolith of corporate political power over electrical codes, state law, and the marketplace in general

cc @ai6yr

@FinchHaven @CassandraVert Correct, there's a huge entrenched industry which is unhappy about losing revenue.

by AI6YR Ben ;

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So I've been following this whole PSPS issue, but not exhaustively

My (amateur-hour) executive summary:

So Cal Edison (under the advice of its lawyers, I feel sure) has decided it's easier and cheaper to just cut off power to its customers en masse, for as long as it feels necessary, rather than suffer any possible legal exposure due to wind-downed power lines starting any wild fires that destroy any private property


How'd I do?

And pardon my cynicism: haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet

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