Dot Maetrix

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musician, streamer, timorous beastie, she/her

I write about Chick Tracts on Boolean Union sometimes

Horny on main, :over18: please

Dot Maetrix's Posts

Dot Maetrix has 97 posts.

Dot Maetrix Boosted


it's such a low godddamn bar to clear

and yet, by and large, the fediverse is the only major social media platform that actually manages to do this (the decent sections of it, at least)

why? well, here's the big secret: BECAUSE WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PROFIT

big companies allow nazis to fester on their services because it makes them money, and here we're not beholden to such a corrupting influence. that's kinda the entire point

@FediPact Moderation should be more proactive

It hurts to see how much nasty is still tolerated and how much that makes good/better people feel unsafe and leave for bsky instead of posting their content here

by Zeewater ;

Tags: #fedipact #meta #threads

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Dot Maetrix Boosted

@DotMaetrix Q = 100% furry, never thought about it before but yeah... no question.

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Dot Maetrix Boosted

Reminder to all feminists

If you accept trans people being defined by their reproductive role...
Then men can define all woman by their reproductive role

If you accept that trans teenagers are too young to make decisions about their bodies...
Then men can decide teenage girls are too young to make decisions about their bodies

If you accept medical gatekeeping of trans people's access to hormones...
Then doctors can restrict any woman's access to HRT and birth control

If you accept stripping trans people of legal protections...
Then men can strip women of legal protections

This is the truth of "trans rights are human rights"
Regardless of your personal feelings on whether trans people are "really" the gender they say they are, the exact same human rights protecting us also underlie women's liberation-- bodily autonomy, dignity, equality of opportunity, and protection from harm.
And so many men are desperate for those rights to disappear.

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Dot Maetrix


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Dot Maetrix

In response to this post

@maple nothing says "NEVER OBSOLETE" like an offer to replace it after two years

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Dot Maetrix

@Euan Oh, McCoy and Beevers are both absolutely incredible in that one, yeah

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Dot Maetrix

@Adamski it's such a bizarre fucking series of decisions that led to this too. Like, they cast Fisher Stevens, THEN decided to make his character a "wacky" Indian stereotype because they thought a bit of Bad Boys was funny... and then... just didn't bother recasting him.

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Dot Maetrix

@Euan and also in expanded canon he became a villain because the doctor killed someone and then made a deal with Death to swap memories and destinies with the master, and also they might have been boyfriends but the show only does anything with this if one of them has temporarily turned into a woman.

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Dot Maetrix

Very bad old video games, sexual assault, YouTube slop

Watched a Worst Games Of The 80s top ten video last night, which ranked Custer's Revenge at #3 for Very Obvious Reasons, but then proceeded to rank the shite 2600 port of Pac Man and that terrible ET game as #2 and #1 respectively, and .... Fuck man.

I don't give a fuck how responsible each of those games might have been for the USA videogames crash. If you're doing whole videos ranking mere shit as worse than Custer's goddamn Revenge then honestly your hobby deserves to die.

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Dot Maetrix

This doing numbers feels like the drowning hand meme except the drowning hand is being high fived by other drowning hands

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Dot Maetrix

they should bring back Being Okay for trans people

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Dot Maetrix

@Euan This is a really difficult one because most of the ones I really want to see are missing and as much as I love Troughton's doctor, most episodes of his that I have seen usually have some kind of deal-breaker, usually along the lines of "well that sure was some dogshit pacing" or "oh that was pretty racist actually"

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Dot Maetrix

@Mandrake See APART from the know what, that sentence probably isn't worth finishing, because of the racism.

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Dot Maetrix

Watching Short Circuit and oh my god why does this entire movie have Fisher Stevens in brownface why is this a thing?

This would otherwise be a good movie too

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Dot Maetrix

@jasmine I would obviously LOVE to say less, but the fact of the matter is that I was an ignorant little shit with little frame of reference, so I've just put down "don't know"

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Dot Maetrix

Q: Now pay attention 007, this is a mechanical tail appendage. It clips around you like so, is fluffy as all heck, and this I'm particularly proud of, it wags like a natural extension of your body.

Bond: and this will help me, how in the mission?

Q: Mission? Oh my no 007 I'm taking this thing to ConFuzzled

@DotMaetrix Q would be a sly old fox.

by Indigo ;

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Dot Maetrix

If you use Bluesky, don't.

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