Dismal Manor Gang

DismalManorGang's pfp

Contacting Dismal Manor Gang

Federation handle:


Dismal Manor Gang's Information


Virginia 757

Time Zone

US Eastern





Dismal Manor Gang's Bio

Dismal Manor Gang is retired moocher Dave and his former racing Missy and Rocky. We live in the Dismal Dominion (Virginia low country). Dave takes pictures, listens to and music, and is making a futile attempt to train his dogs and grow a garden.

We are officers of hidden rank in and enjoy on . Dave is a fan. Muad'Dib!

Dismal Manor Gang's Posts

Dismal Manor Gang has 4 posts.


Dismal Manor Gang

Some websites I like

tempestwx.com/station/58318/ Weather conditions at Dismal Manor
radarmonster.com/ US NexRad weather radar data
tropicaltidbits.com/ Tropical cyclone forecaster's site
hifiberry.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
allo.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
raspberrypi.org/ Raspberry Pi

Story of Schiit Audio

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Dismal Manor Gang

Some things we like

// Birdsite hangout
// Birdsite hangout

Tags: #beach #Weather #audio #photography #coffee #palsporch #zshq #DriveElectric #cartalk

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Dismal Manor Gang

From time to time we pitch records we like, usually jazz and folk with genre tags and a link to the record at Apple Music which has decent sound and lossless CD sound for subscribers. I hashtag with the genre and the tag for tracks and for the whole schemer and always for a profile posts search.

Tags: #music #record #nowplaying

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Replies: 0

Boosts: 0

Dismal Manor Gang

In response to this post

@ai6yr @TidalFlats
Jelly bracelets.

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @TidalFlats@mastodon.coffee

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Dismal Manor Gang

Some websites I like

tempestwx.com/station/58318/ Weather conditions at Dismal Manor
radarmonster.com/ US NexRad weather radar data
tropicaltidbits.com/ Tropical cyclone forecaster's site
hifiberry.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
allo.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
raspberrypi.org/ Raspberry Pi

Story of Schiit Audio

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Dismal Manor Gang

Some things we like

// Birdsite hangout
// Birdsite hangout

Tags: #beach #Weather #audio #photography #coffee #palsporch #zshq #DriveElectric #cartalk

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Replies: 0

Boosts: 0

Dismal Manor Gang

From time to time we pitch records we like, usually jazz and folk with genre tags and a link to the record at Apple Music which has decent sound and lossless CD sound for subscribers. I hashtag with the genre and the tag for tracks and for the whole schemer and always for a profile posts search.

Tags: #music #record #nowplaying

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Replies: 0

Boosts: 0