Dismal Manor Gang
Contacting Dismal Manor Gang
Federation handle:
Dismal Manor Gang's Information
Whiskey |
Virginia 757 |
Time Zone |
US Eastern |
Blog |
Videos |
DismalManorGang@peertube.tv |
Dismal Manor Gang's Bio
#introduction Dismal Manor Gang is retired moocher Dave and his former racing #greyhound Missy and Rocky. We live in the Dismal Dominion (Virginia low country). Dave takes pictures, listens to #jazz and #newgrass music, and is making a futile attempt to train his dogs and grow a garden.
We are officers of hidden rank in #ZSHQ and enjoy #coffee on #PalsPorch. Dave is a #Dune fan. Muad'Dib!
Dismal Manor Gang's Posts
Dismal Manor Gang has 4 posts.
Dismal Manor Gang
Some websites I like
https://tempestwx.com/station/58318/ Weather conditions at Dismal Manor
https://www.radarmonster.com/ US NexRad weather radar data
https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/ Tropical cyclone forecaster's site
https://hifiberry.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
https://allo.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
https://www.raspberrypi.org/ Raspberry Pi
Story of Schiit Audio
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Dismal Manor Gang
Some things we like
#palsporch // Birdsite hangout
#zshq // Birdsite hangout
Tags: #beach #Weather #audio #photography #coffee #palsporch #zshq #DriveElectric #cartalk
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Dismal Manor Gang
From time to time we pitch records we like, usually jazz and folk with genre tags and a link to the record at Apple Music which has decent sound and lossless CD sound for subscribers. I hashtag with the genre and the #music tag for tracks and #record for the whole schemer and always #NowPlaying for a profile posts search.
Tags: #music #record #nowplaying
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Dismal Manor Gang
@ai6yr @TidalFlats
Jelly bracelets.
Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org @TidalFlats@mastodon.coffee
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Dismal Manor Gang
Some websites I like
https://tempestwx.com/station/58318/ Weather conditions at Dismal Manor
https://www.radarmonster.com/ US NexRad weather radar data
https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/ Tropical cyclone forecaster's site
https://hifiberry.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
https://allo.com/ Audio bonnets for Raspberry Pi
https://www.raspberrypi.org/ Raspberry Pi
Story of Schiit Audio
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Replies: 0
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Dismal Manor Gang
Some things we like
#palsporch // Birdsite hangout
#zshq // Birdsite hangout
Tags: #beach #Weather #audio #photography #coffee #palsporch #zshq #DriveElectric #cartalk
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0
Dismal Manor Gang
From time to time we pitch records we like, usually jazz and folk with genre tags and a link to the record at Apple Music which has decent sound and lossless CD sound for subscribers. I hashtag with the genre and the #music tag for tracks and #record for the whole schemer and always #NowPlaying for a profile posts search.
Tags: #music #record #nowplaying
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Replies: 0
Boosts: 0