:shroomypet: The ShroomMother

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:shroomypet: The ShroomMother's Information

:shroomypet: The ShroomMother's Bio

Owner of decayable.ink. Married to @Formerly_Trucks
Second part of an artist power couple

Want to request a commission or just donate to us? https://ko-fi.com/decayable

We have a shop! https://decayableink.creator-spring.com/

And my husband sells art prints - Buy prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/formerly_trucks/

Want to join our weekly art contests? Follow @ArtContest. Contest ends Sundays and Voting ends Fridays.

Want to know who is streaming when? @StreamsNSheit.

Twatter: https://twitter.com/DecayableInk?t=WbooVDhf8lLbRNH3vp2WSw&s=09
Imgur albums : https://imgur.com/user/decayableink

Mother of Mushrooms :shroomwiggle:
I will try to repost all art by my shroomlings

Instance is run with :btrfly:

:shroomy_i: :shroomy_n: :shroomy_k:

:shroomypet: The ShroomMother's Posts

:shroomypet: The ShroomMother has 3 posts.

:shroomypet: The ShroomMother

In response to this post

Great things happening in the canvas

Mentions: @Doll@decayable.ink @Sui@decayable.ink @Owl@nicecrew.digital @matty@nicecrew.digital @tyler@nicecrew.digital @Hoss@shitpost.cloud

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:shroomypet: The ShroomMother

In response to this post


I think it said something about 50 people max?

I can't even get 10 submissions in a week, I doubt we can drag in 50 at a time.

by :sui_2: ;

Mentions: @Doll@decayable.ink @Sui@decayable.ink @Owl@nicecrew.digital @matty@nicecrew.digital @tyler@nicecrew.digital @Hoss@shitpost.cloud

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:shroomypet: The ShroomMother

In response to this post

What medium should we use for a canvas collab?

Try aggie.io.

by ĐØⱠⱠ ;

Mentions: @Doll@decayable.ink @Sui@decayable.ink @Owl@nicecrew.digital @matty@nicecrew.digital @tyler@nicecrew.digital @Hoss@shitpost.cloud

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