Janice in GA

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Janice in GA's Bio

Pronouns: She/her
I ate'nt ded.

I knit, spin, read SFF, love dogs, love fountain pens and inks.

Janice in GA's Posts

Janice in GA has 5 posts.


Janice in GA

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Book 3 of 2025: A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow. Read for Mystery book club, January 2025.
A first-in-series book set in Alaska, with a female investigator who owns a wolf dog. A bit more emphasis on the protagonist's family and the indigenous concerns in society than the mystery. But it's the first book in the series, so scene-setting has to be done.

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Janice in GA

I like to read, mostly science fiction and fantasy, some horror, some mystery, a bit of other stuff.

I'm a process knitter, mostly knitting to keep my hands busy and my mind quiet. I spin a little too.

One husband, two dogs, Bob and Willow.

I'm getting old. I think about death all the time. But I ate'nt ded. Yet.

Tags: #introduction #sciencefiction #fantasy #knitting #spinning #books #reading #fountainpens #inks #BikeTooter

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Janice in GA

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@ai6yr I think you’re doing amazing things, sharing info like you do. Thank you

@Archergal Thanks. I will be sharing more here, I realized my efforts elsewhere were unwanted and unappreciated.

by AI6YR Ben ;

Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org

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Janice in GA

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Book 3 of 2025: A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow. Read for Mystery book club, January 2025.
A first-in-series book set in Alaska, with a female investigator who owns a wolf dog. A bit more emphasis on the protagonist's family and the indigenous concerns in society than the mystery. But it's the first book in the series, so scene-setting has to be done.

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Janice in GA

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Book 2 of 2025: Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith
Read for BritLit book club, January 2025.
Mr. Pooter decides to keep a diary. He loves his silly jokes, his wife Carrie, and his slightly disreputable son Lupin.
Pleasant and amusing, but I think I missed some of the humor by not recognizing some of the Victorian slang terms in it. You know how sometimes you can tell something wd be funny if you knew the references, but you don’t? Like that. But it’s short.

Book 3 of 2025: A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow. Read for Mystery book club, January 2025.
A first-in-series book set in Alaska, with a female investigator who owns a wolf dog. A bit more emphasis on the protagonist's family and the indigenous concerns in society than the mystery. But it's the first book in the series, so scene-setting has to be done.

by Janice in GA ;

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Janice in GA

Book 1 of 2025: Buried Deep and Other Stories, by Naomi Novik.

I liked a couple of the stories including the title story VERY much. I liked the others well enough. A couple are sorta fanfic, if that is your thing. It is not mine, for the most part.

Book 2 of 2025: Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith
Read for BritLit book club, January 2025.
Mr. Pooter decides to keep a diary. He loves his silly jokes, his wife Carrie, and his slightly disreputable son Lupin.
Pleasant and amusing, but I think I missed some of the humor by not recognizing some of the Victorian slang terms in it. You know how sometimes you can tell something wd be funny if you knew the references, but you don’t? Like that. But it’s short.

by Janice in GA ;

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Janice in GA

I like to read, mostly science fiction and fantasy, some horror, some mystery, a bit of other stuff.

I'm a process knitter, mostly knitting to keep my hands busy and my mind quiet. I spin a little too.

One husband, two dogs, Bob and Willow.

I'm getting old. I think about death all the time. But I ate'nt ded. Yet.

Tags: #introduction #sciencefiction #fantasy #knitting #spinning #books #reading #fountainpens #inks #BikeTooter

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