Showing posts with tag: #selfie

Pottery by Osa

My last for the algorithm before I deleted IG last weekend. Goodbye after 12 yrs + 50k followers 👋🏾 I couldn’t have done it if I hadn’t gained some traction here, so thank you for following.

I grew up in and organizing, so moving to and social media feels full circle. I want my to be part of a future of thought that represents progress and liberation.

Tags: #selfie #punkrock #anarchist #decentralized #pottery #punk #clay #ceramics #nonhierarchical #art #BlackMastodon #africanart #NonCorporate

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Lety Does Stuff

The Creature and I are ready for the parade~~

Tags: #roseparade #pasadena #plushtodon #merchtodon #Photomonday #photo #photography #selfie #letydoesselfies

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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

This is me

Tags: #selfie #introductions #introduction

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