Michael Vera
2 weeks ago
Physicists often forget that a PhD is, at its core, a Philosophy degree.
#Physics #Philosophy #Science #TheoreticalPhysics #PhilosophyOfScience #PhysicsCommunity #QuantumPhysics #Astrophysics #ScientificResearch #PhDLife #HigherEducation #PhilosophyMatters #AcademicLife #ScientificThinking #Logic #Epistemology #STEM #HistoryOfScience #CriticalThinking #ScienceAndPhilosophy #ScholarlyDebate #ResearchEthics #GradSchool #PhilosophyOfPhysics
Tags: #physics #philosophy #science #theoreticalphysics #philosophyofscience #physicscommunity #quantumphysics #astrophysics #scientificresearch #phdlife #highereducation #PhilosophyMatters #academiclife #scientificthinking #logic #epistemology #stem #historyofscience #criticalthinking #scienceandphilosophy #scholarlydebate #researchethics #gradschool #philosophyofphysics
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1 year ago
I guess it's way past time that I write an #introduction post... I am a #technology nerd at heart but I also enjoy many #outdoor activities, including #kayaking, #running, and #hiking. I enjoy #photography and #coding as hobbies. #Drawing and #reading are a couple of things I like to do when I find time as well. I like to discuss #philosophy and #theology with #quantumPhysics being one of my favorite topics. #StarTrek (any series), #BattleBots, and #Alone are some of my favorite shows at the moment. Thoroughly enjoying #Mastodon so far!Some of my art: #CtrlRPortfolio
Tags: #introduction #technology #Outdoor #kayaking #running #hiking #photography #coding #Drawing #reading #philosophy #theology #startrek #battlebots #alone #quantumphysics #mastodon #ctrlrportfolio
🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
5 years ago
To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. Add #introductions to the post.
Tags: #introductions #photography #astrophotography #netherlands #utrecht #quantumphysics #philosophy #science #nature #scuba #chemistry #occult #biology #bioalgorithms #programming #classicalliberal