Showing posts with tag: #ponderments

Ms. Que Banh

You know the most common excuse I hear, from people I know, who won't leave Facebook or Instagram is: All my family & friends are there. If I leave, I lose touch with them.

I have often questioned how mass social media has actually helped to degrade communication & lower our quality of relationships more than enhanced/benefited. People don't communicate much in slow time, offline much anymore. I've seen for myself how being digitally dependent for social connections has harmed families & social circles & our communities as a whole. I have questioned myself & others on how strong your relationships truly are if all communication ceases once you personally choose to leave popular social media platforms.

This is one of a few reasons that I try my best to keep doing offline, slow communication & relationships building work & not be too digitally dependent on any online medium for my human connections.

@PhoenixSerenity @Lazarou In a mobile society, keeping track of friends and family in person is essentially impossible. My friends and classmates are literally scattered around the world. My family members are anywhere from hundreds to thousands of miles away.

by Kee Hinckley ;

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