Showing posts with tag: #exisle
Sci-Fi Girl
Time for a proper #Introduction! 😎 👋 As my name suggests, I am a fan of #ScienceFiction! I was raised on #StarTrek, but I love all kinds of #SciFi and #Fantasy! I joined here earlier in the great #TwitterMigration, so I'm still rather #NewHere. I've also been a member of a few fandom message boards over the years, particularly one called #ExIsle! (Ask me about it sometime. 😎) I also have lots of other interests besides fandom, that I follow & boost! Hashtags to follow soon! 😃
Tags: #introduction #sciencefiction #startrek #SciFi #fantasy #twittermigration #newhere #exisle Likes: 0 Replies: 1 Boosts: 0 |
Adding tags to my #Introduction.
(Even if I don't mention it, I've probably still watched it! 😉)
#Fandom #TV:
#StarTrek #Stargate #DoctorWho #DarkMatter #LegendsOfTomorrow!!! 💕 #Farscape #TheOutpost #TheExpanse #TheOrville #ResidentAlien #Continuum #Wednesday #GoodOmens #PaperGirls #TheManWhoFellToEarth #HisDarkMaterials #TheRookie #TheRookieFeds #Blindspot #Blacklist #NewAmsterdam
Other #Interests I may boost:
#Art #Photography #FolkMusic #News #Politics #Resist #Jewish #Mazeldon
by Sci-Fi Girl ;