Showing posts with tag: #eo2025
Stephen Edmonds
The final slide #EverythingOpen #EO2025
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
itgrrl is at Everything Open #EO2025 :donor:
hey #EverythingOpen folks, @vmbrasseur’s book "Business Success with #OpenSource" is now available for pre-order in hard copy (already available as an ebook) 🎉 details in her toot - go order / buy if this is #RelevantToYourInterests 🙃
Tags: #everythingopen #opensource #relevanttoyourinterests #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Leo Febey @ Everything Open 🎧
Open hardware music tracker #picotracker #eo2025 #everythingopen 🎵
Tags: #picotracker #eo2025 #everythingopen Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
It’s the third and final day of #everythingopen #eo2025 in Tarntanya (Adelaide). Sponsorship makes these events possible and every dollar (or in-kind contribution counts). If you’re associated with a business, LEAN ON THEM to pay forward the vast benefit that we all enjoy from Open Source technology.
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
“The first paper recommending not to use MD5 [hashing algorithm] for passwords was published in 1995, before PHP was invented, and yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “ —Triss @nirya Healy #everythingopen #eo2025
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
I met Triss @nirya Healy at her first LCA five years ago. Stoked af to see her give her first talk EVAR at #EverythingOpen #eo2025. She’s talking on the pitfalls facing junior developers around authentication and cryptography. “I don’t really know cryptography, I just know how to use it a bit”.
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
“Technology is made of people (but not in the Soylent Green sense!)” — @itgrrl #everythingopen #eo2025
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
“Senior Cyber Unicorn” @itgrrl speaks on Everything Open All At Once at #everythingopen #eo2025.
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 #everythingopen #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
“Senior Cyber Unicorn” @itgrrl speaks on Everything Open All At Once at #everythingopen #eo2025.
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 #everythingopen #eo2025 Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
Folks at #everythingopen #eo2025 might see some familiar images in my last two daily microfiction posts. I toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 #everythingopen #eo2025 #poweronstorytoot Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
Folks at #everythingopen #eo2025 might see some familiar images in my last two daily microfiction posts. I toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 #everythingopen #eo2025 #poweronstorytoot Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
The pilot was watching the mass gauges with one eye. “Hmmm, something has come adrift in cargo 2, I think”, she looked over to the flight engineer. “Can you check that for me, Span?” Engineer McSwain unbuckled and floated free, “Onnit boss”. Pilot officer Piper, having delegated the issue, put it out of her mind and resumed monitoring the time until next main engine burn. Spanners would sort any problem. The “problem” was about one twenty cm tall, soot stained, and wriggling. “What” Piper demanded as McSwain held the unexpected cargo by the collar in the door of the control cabin “are you doing on my ship?!” “Solar Scout Janet McGee, Cap’n!” replied the dangling teen, I hope you don’t mind but I’m checking off “Stow away to Mars” on my Astroletrics skill tree. #Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #everythingopen #eo2025 Edit: Everything Open folk, i toot a daily microfiction on #PowerOnStoryToot hashtag, as a power-on self-test of my brain. This week, you are in them. Almost 400 daily stories on the tag. Commissions welcomed (link in bio).
Tags: #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 #tootfic #microfiction #poweronstorytoot #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
Kit Bashir
30 years ago i started my first job in Brisbane alongside another graduate coder who hailed from south australia. He told me tales of the legendary iced coffee to be found here. Checking this one off my skill tree. #everythingopen #eo2025
Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 1 Boosts: 0 |
Kit Bashir
Steph’s skill trees express the idea that mistakes and disasters are key steps on learning. Feedback from early users was that seeing how much you have learned is a huge boost. Mentors love skill trees too because they can focus their teaching on what mentees ought to learn next. #everythingopen #eo2025
@Unixbigot I always tell my students "you can avoid the mistakes I've made and make whole new ones which we can both learn from!"
by Paul de Ferney ; Tags: #everythingopen #eo2025 Likes: 0 Replies: 1 Boosts: 0 |
@Unixbigot I used to be an avid drinker of Farmers Union Iced Coffee, and I honestly think it not as good as it used to be, about 10 year or so ago imho it changed and never been the same since
by de VK5ZSH 🇦🇺 🐧 👾 🏳️🌈 ;