Showing posts with tag: #commonlisp

An Inhabitant of Carcosa

Moving hosts from, time for a new .

I'm old and disgusted with the squandered/co-opted promise of the WWW. We were going to make something good with it. Instead I'm on and back on . I program in a mainstream language for work, and so write weird stuff mostly in for fun.

I'm an old and love the aesthetics and literature of the fin de siècle. I also love but I'm much more well-versed in horror than film.

If I talk about politics, it will be more about issues, events, and theory than about elections and politicians.

I lighten up my dark aesthetic and poke a ray of hope through my despair by watching . Yes, of course () is my favorite series. I study for fun, but I'm not very good at it. tawmeyDaq vulqangan, tlhImmeyDaq tlhIngan.

I post mostly in , read posts in Spanish, French, and tlhInganHol; will machine-translate posts in other languages that look interesting. Toots are deleted after a month unless pinned or active.

Tags: #introduction #gemini #gopher #commonlisp #goth #horror #startrek #deepspacenine #ds9 #tlhinganhol #literature #english

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