Every month, for 15 years straight, I used to go to #RossBayCemetary & leave a piece of cat poop at Robert Dunsmuir's gravesite. As a symbolic gesture of my thoughts of him being a colonial capitalist POS who abused/exploited Indigenous, Chinese, Japanese, Sikhs, Blacks & other immigrants for capital gains. He became a big billionaire on the backs of many dead POC peoples, who were used as slave labour. BIPOC workers were paid far less than their white coworkers - even when they worked the exact same jobs. Dunsmuir was an abusive, racist POS. I don't like it when anyone tries to praise him.
It includes footage & shared #deforestation issues with the #Amazon. It's all connected.
I'm holding back tears near the end of it. I was arrested a few days after doing the documentary film interview at gate to River & Landback resistance camps.