Showing posts with tag: #NaziSalute
Did Elon Musk make a Nazi salute? #ElonMusk #DarkestTimeline #MirrorMirror written by Jerome Bixby
Tags: #startrek #musk #NaziSalute #evilspock #mirroruniverse #elonmusk #darkesttimeline #mirrormirror Likes: 0 Replies: 1 Boosts: 1 |
okanogen TheEnemyFromWithin
I've done a lot of drugs in my life,
Tags: #nazisalutes #NaziSalute #tesla #spacex Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
FinchHaven sfba
In response to this post Nazi gesture, politics, uspolYes Saw the video; no mistaking what Musk did, with enthusiasm Here's the thing about #ElonMusk He's wealthy beyond all imagining He can do whatever he wants -- and often does He doesn't care He has no need to care
Tags: #elonmusk #NaziSalute Mentions: Likes: 0 Replies: 0 Boosts: 1 |
@spocko It was a goddamned Nazi salute.
by Dean F. ;