If you like a bit of data to help you formulate your discussion of the current & ongoing housing crisis, then BBC Verify have the tool for you; you can tap in your (or any!) postcode to find out what the current gap between building & 'need' is alongside some data on planning....
While, certainly there are many ways of understanding our housing crisis (from maldistribution of dwellings to the role of credit), lack of construction is a key element.
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Donald Roy
This is well worth looking at. I should add that #labour #wandsworthcouncil seems to come out rather well by the measures cited in it!
Tags: #labour #wandsworthcouncil
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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈
@ChrisMayLA6 uh-oh, I smell a new IT scandal...
Mentions: @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us
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