The changes to the wording of the #moderation policies #Facebook and #Threads are deeply concerning to hear about, however, they feel more like they are openly admitting what has always been the case than any substantive change. The company has always had an internal policy, like most other corporate social networks, to allow #HateSpeech and other #misinformation to proliferate, as these drive the engagement metrics that drive revenue, on top of often aligning with the values of leadership.
At #TechHub, our policy has, so far, been a "wait and see" approach. We have not blocked Threads yet, but if the time comes when they do finally federate, if ever, we are committed to the plan of taking server level action should their lack of moderation become too much of a problem for us.
Either way, this only underlines the need to bring more people into the #Fediverse network, and away from the large corporate #SocialNetworking services.
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