If you're a person who makes less than 500k per year and you're praising an American president--ANY American president--you're a sucker.
"Even if you find Carter’s anti-political self-presentation admirable — “I owe nothing to special interest groups” — it was disingenuous. He did not shun all constituencies with the same rigor. Carter’s first vault beyond Georgia politics came when he was invited to join the Trilateral Commission, a private group founded by Chase Bank’s David Rockefeller. Carter reportedly studied the Commission’s reports “like a bible,” He appointed many Trilateralists, including Volcker, to key positions. To his admirers, the Volcker appointment exemplifies Mr. Carter’s noble detachment from interest group pressures: he was brave enough to engineer an unpopular recession. But as Eizenstat once stated bluntly, “Volcker was selected because he was the candidate of Wall Street.” Can a decision made in accordance with the wishes of the most powerful people in the country really be described as political courage?"
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