Published by William Lindsey :toad:


William Lindsey :toad:'s Post

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"While so many already-rich and already-powerful people line up behind Trump so that they might secure more money and more power, or at least protect the largesse they have, the good reverend risked her livelihood and potentially her life (and definitely her temporary wellbeing) in facing Trump publicly"

~ Jill Filipovic


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William Lindsey :toad:

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(continued from /5) "and asking of him what any spiritual, moral, or religious leader should ask of all of us: That we act with humanity. …

Conservatives, including elected officials, are already putting a target on her back."


"It is one of the most extraordinary moments of the Trump era, and reminds us, on this day after we honored Dr. King, that not all heroes wear capes. Some may also wear robes."

~ Simon Rosenberg


by William Lindsey :toad: ;

Tags: #bishopbudde #trump #mercy #bible #immigrants #migrants #lgbtq #Courage #witness

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