@Unixbigot How did it turn out at the end?
1000millimeter's Post
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Kit Bashir
@1000millimeter spent about two minutes scrutinizing the x-ray and never asked me a question or opened anything. I gather from the way they were scanning luggage (laptops in, bags stacked) they must have a pretty new x-ray. And those rapi-scanners. :-/. (they insist on misspelling them like that)
@Unixbigot I read Raspi Scanner...
by 1000millimeter ;
@Unixbigot @1000millimeter I think most UK airports now have new scanners and they think they can now distinguish between water and liquid nitro.
by MarjorieR ;
@Unixbigot @1000millimeter here's a good video explainer of how the new scanning tech works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyG8XAmtYeQ
by Fraser Tweedale ;
Mentions: @1000millimeter@chaos.social
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