There are times when to be a sentient worthy of the name one must be a stern ethical actor. Viz a viz #AI, #LLM, the only course worthy of ethics is a firm “no”. Such a stance of conscience goes against the entire training most receive in modern societies toward pliable technofatalism. But this is precisely why moderns are indoctrinated to a prone position. “No” means agency, enhances dignity, and invites us to pursue cooperative resistance.
Shufei 🫠's Post
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Shufei 🫠
If at least some sectors of human society do not wholly reject #AI with fervent rigor, then futures for the species look bleak. Consider the likely outcomes for us from a prone technofatalism before these machines: somewhere between the pampered and stupid cattle of Wall-E and total genocide. There must be viable redoubts wherein deployment of AI are immediately considered anathema for human dignity to endure. This is why #ButlerianJihad will be an ineluctable path for many.
It is likely great masses of humanity will soon be wholly curated by #AI: from fashions to myths to art to policing: all mainstream culture engineering compliance, *manufacturing consent* for regimes ordained by the various gilded elites - beyond the cognitive capacity of most to resist. Free redoubts must needs cleave to some rigorous multigenerational ethos. Those of us who want nothing to do with technological curation of us must strive to entrench a hard line. #ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
by Shufei 🫠 ;
Tags: #ai #butlerianjihad #boycottai
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