Technofatalism as an ideology of compliance appeals to the logic of the rapist and the abuser. “You cannot stop progress, and we decide what progress means, not you.” Such denial of agency is the bedrock for regimes of coercive power, as it forecloses the possibility of free imagination, free action, free community. Technocracy’s fallacy of fatalism is a beguiling poison precisely because it entices with a Mephistophelian paternalism, confuses proneness with rest. #ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
Shufei 🫠's Post
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Shufei 🫠
We know by now what the fruits of regimes of technofatalism are, and rest is not one of them. At the dawn of the “Information Age” the pimps of #AI promised the same cargo cult with the same justifications they do now. Yet leisure for the precariat masses has only become a more endangered good over the past half century for all but the morally compromised professional jannisary classes. Now even they are suddenly to be made obsolete, their creativity outsourced.
#ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
From the strategic point of view amongst the oligarchy, our rulers now must ask themselves what to do with the rest of us, their de facto precariat peons and debt chattel. A few options present themselves clearly:
Entrenched Neoliberalism
Cyberfeudal police states
Culling the herd
We can see all these strategic options being toyed with, experimented on us. #AI militates toward cyberfeudal orders as its power is cognitive coercion and propaganda.
#ButlerianJihad #BoycottAI
by Shufei 🫠 ;
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