Elites in modern societies demand teleological fatalism from all of us. “Progress just happens this way”. “The market forces decide”. “That’s just the way it is”. The ideology of modernity depends on both mass compliance and mass enthusiasm. Manufacture of consent. This does not change the fact that *people decide which way events go*.
Thus the difference between a free actor and an ideologically bound fatalistic peon is one of *perception and belief*. Resources are secondary.
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Shufei đź«
The position of a true elite is one of being granted license to free decision. Unlicensed free decisions are suppressed. But that *does not relieve the repressed person from responsibility* of decision, because agency is prior to context.
Agency is always ontologically prior. The sooner we all accept this axiom, the better, as it removes the yokes of fatalism upon which elites depend to maintain regimes of compliance.
Of course coercion is a level of the process. Outright force is another level. But modern authority depends first on *belief* in the teleology of modern progress. But the dictum “free your mind and your ass will follow” always applies. Social, cultural, political, and technological change go wither we accept they should go within our local context. Decide not to comply, and the change doesn’t happen. Decide a different route, and change happens that way. Proof is in the pudding.
by Shufei đź« ;
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