Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

Just in case you thought Labour might stick to some form of green transition, they now seem to be favourably disposed towards expansion across three London-serving airports - Gatwick, Heathrow & Luton - all of which are looking for permission to expand their operations (in different ways).

We know the impact of flying on climate change, so saying its about supporting 'growth' by expanding passenger numbers seems misguided, at best.

Airports' lobbying seems to have succeeded!

h/t FT

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Simon Johnson

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@ChrisMayLA6 that they promised “the highest economic growth in the G7” alongside the “green transition” merely served to prove they didn’t have the slightest idea what transitioning to a sustainable economy actually means

I’m not remotely surprised by this news as it’s just more evidence they are a disaster. While I held little hope, I desperately wanted them to succeed as the alternative is horrific. But they are far, far worse than I ever imagined possible


Yes, the fact that they might be able to square the circle by looking at a green transition as a Keynisian pump priming exercise seems to have escaped them, but that's because they are invested in an economics of 'growth' underpinned by financial services' interests...

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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