@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
I know that it does sometimes seem like I am always begging for funds of late; please understand that my situation is recurring because I am awaiting a decision on my disability appeal that, if successful, could end all this situational begging for a long time if not forever. Bills and expenses, though, don't wait on good news. Thanks for understanding.
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@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
Today's update: Thanks to your kind donations yesterday, my expenses and bills are now up to date for now, and there are no really pressing needs at the moment. Thank you all for all your support!!
My move has now been delayed a bit due to a complication involving my current landlord resulting in my not having to move out immediately. I still have expenses upcoming, but for now I can at least stay put.
@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
There is a chance that the ruling on my disability benefits appeal will come down before I ultimately am forced to move; it was set to be decided from next week to 30 days afterwards. If I win this, I would be entitled to have my disability benefits restored monthly, retroactive to January of 2022, minus legal fees and the claw back from my insurance company of benefits they paid out from July 2022 to January 2024.
by AnthonyJK-Admin ;
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