@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
Still taking donations of all kinds for moving expenses, bills, and food. Still awaiting my disability benefits appeal ruling. All boosts and donations welcome and appreciated. TY!!
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Disability Update
@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
Welp....I may have found my permanent place to move!! But, there's a major catch.
My sister discovered an open one bedroom apartment just on the edge of the city where I live that is selling absolutely insanely cheap, as in $170 per month rent. Right now I am paying nearly $500 per month on rent, so this is an absolute bargin!!
I'm not as keen on how far it is from the city, but the cost more than offsets the inconvenience.
@mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid
There is a bigger problem, though: while I can cover the first month of rent and the application fee, they also require documentation of at least three months of previous income. Meaning, I would probably have to risk blowing my cover about my crowdfunding of the previous year.
I wish there was a way I could show I am getting income without revealing my "begging", because that would bring forth some serious Hell on me from my family.
by AnthonyJK-Admin ;
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