Published by AI6YR Ben


AI6YR Ben's Post

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@Viss Hmm, 4 more panels on your roof is about $700 in parts... depends of course on your system. Yes, 7 grand is way too much.

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@ai6yr LG 370 watt panels, "power optimizers" on each one. One easy way to upgrade would just be to see if i can get 440 watt panels and swap some. another would be to just add more panels, or possibly move 4 in a bad spot to a better spot. baker are shits, and i cant convince another company to do it "because warranties". I'd love to do it myself but im not sure how

@Viss Mounting panels mostly is a "make sure to not make your roof leak" problem, the mounting kits are very simple mechanically. I'd have to look at the LG panels to see what those are... if it's microinverters it's just a matter of connecting them into the string. String systems are a bit harder. I have learned solar companies won't do a darn thing unless it's a completely tear off and new system nowadays... they won't touch anyone else's work, and often won't touch their own work from 15 years ago. Plus, solar companies are now populated by people who weren't moral enough for selling used cars.

by AI6YR Ben ;


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