Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

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Yes, although its illegal for criminal acts to be subject to NDAs, at least in the university sector, NDAs have been used to cover up actions that if investigated properly with the victims might have resulted in prosecution.... however, for the most part the effected workers/staff have been paid off (and in some cases provided different jobs in the same university)....

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@ChrisMayLA6 Ahh yes. The classic paid off strategy. Way too common, and very, very destructive for society at large.

But this is also very common in politics. I remember many years ago, the leader of the swedish socialist party got rid of all his competitors by giving away ambassadorships in remote places. Worked well for him.


Yes, I've seen it again & again in universities; its the way the maintain, to outsiders at least, that they are enlightened employers, and in some ways they are; its just no consistent in any sense

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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